Location: Cornesti commune, Dambovita county
a) 12.339 sqm divided in 16 plots near National Road DN1A. Urbanistic Zonal Plan for building houses is available. Total height of buildings Gr+2
b) 17.330 sqm arable outside the build up area with easy access to the National road
c) 13.500 sqm arable outside the build up area divided in 3 plots
d) 1800 sqm arable outside the build up area
e) 7000 sqm divided in 690 sqm arable urban area and 6221 arable outside the build up area
f) 7500 sqm divided in 730 sqm arable urban area and 6107 arable outside the build up area
g) 5520 sqm divided in 535 sqm arable urban area and 4498 arable outside the build up area
h) 5000 sqm divided in 465 sqm arable urban area and 4232 arable outside the build up area
i) 3000 sqm divided in 420 sqm arable urban area and 2580 arable outside the build up area
j) 4540 sqm divided in 607 sqm arable urban area and 3933 arable outside the build up area
k) 3200 sqm arable outside the build up area